On Fri., May 10, 2019, KYCC’s Prevention Education hosted their 3rd Annual Flores de Mayo event honoring over 200 parent leaders and participants in our Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) curriculum courses. Community organizers presented them with certificates for their leadership in improving quality-of-life issues in Koreatown, Pico Union and Westlake. This annual event funded by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Substance Abuse Prevention and Control, recognized parent representatives and celebrated their tremendous efforts to build a healthier and safer community. Presenting guests included KYCC’s Executive Director Johng Ho Song, Senator Maria Elena Durazo and Representative Angie Aramayo from Eric Garcetti Mayor’s Office of Public Engagement. Parent leaders, many of them mothers, were presented with awards and words of encouragement and appreciation for their community activism.

“I am so grateful for the opportunity to speak to an incredible room of Mujeres and activists, many who are also mothers. Thank you Koreatown Youth and Community Center for all of your work in the community,” remarked

“As a community leader in Koreatown for over 20 years, I’ve seen firsthand the unstoppable force mothers can be when they work together for a common good. Mothers in the community are the driving force for change. You mobilize community action, change policies on critical issues that affect families and work towards improving the quality of life for all children and families of Koreatown. Thank you for all that you do. We honor your achievements today,” exclaimed KYCC’s Executive Director Johng Ho Song.

Children surprised their parents with roses and decorated loving messages for them. Parents were provided free professional childcare at this event and enjoyed live music, food and raffle prizes at this event.
KYCC’s Prevention Education helps train youth to become health advocates, and parents establish a safe and drug-free neighborhood, and supports leaders and politicians in policy enforcement. We work alongside teachers to implement a prevention education curriculum to be taught at our local schools.

The primary goal is to reduce underage drinking and marijuana use among youth in the Koreatown, Pico-Union and Westlake areas. These neighborhoods have a disproportionately high density of liquor stores, which is problematic for the community.

For more information on Prevention Education workshops, please contact Gennesis Jerez at gjerez@kyccla.org or (213) 365-7400 Ext. 5119.